Thursday, January 24, 2008

Teaching Again

Here is picture of my water exercise class today. We had 7 (one exercised on the side of the pool) this a.m. and I am very happy with how the class has progressed so far this month. We did 50 minutes of continuous exercises today, none of which are aerobic. The scarecrow in the back is me of course.
I am also teaching a scrapbooking class and I am finding out that teaching really makes me very happy. I had forgotten how much I really love teaching.
This was such a good week for me. I did lousy at bridge (always just out of the money, but still fun). Mac and I walked around Lake Menzie. I got a great call from the Williams (they called me at 5:30 a.m. and I was up, we talked for an hour). Anja told me to check out my son's web page because he has listed fake relatives. Sure enough there is a mystery cousin listed.
Mac got a great present from Eddie for his birthday(It's a Red Wings T-Shirt with Rawfalski's name on the back of it). We got 2 haircuts and went out for dinner about three times this week. I am now reading a new book that was written by the husband of one of my bridge friends.
Mac and I both record each morning what we are grateful for that day. This morning I noted that I was grateful that I haven't even noticed that I have knees lately. The shots have started to do the good work of keeping me out of pain.

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