Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The After-Math

While I was doing my morning "Jumble" puzzle yesterday, the answer to--what was life for the retired Arithmetic teacher?--struct me as being a good title for all that has happened to me in the 6 years since I retired. I can't even imagine that six years have passed. It seems like the time is just flying by and I am just as lucky as I can be to have had this time to spend with my family and friends. I have had such a variety of stimulating and fun experiences.
We have so many fun things planned for this month. We had the birthday weekend with Mac's nieces and nephews last week and the dinner with our park friends. I have my two games of bridge per week planned with my girlfriends. We are scheduled to go to the shuttle launch on the 10th, but we may not be up for a 2:23 am event. We will see our friends from Seattle anyway whether at the launch or some other time. This Sat. is the Willie Nelson concert and Harry is supposed to visit after that. We have tickets to the theater in Winter Haven the following Saturday and possibly the Kenny Rogers concert the first of Feb. I need to mention the park events too, like the water exercise classes that I am helping to get started on Friday and the scrapbooking classes that I start next Tuesday. I am also running for Vice President of the assoc. today and we have a potluck this month.
Mac is as happy as he has ever been here in Florida this season and that makes me think that we will be coming down here for a number of years. He sees how much healthier he is where he can do his daily walks. He is just happier in general lately.
Yesterday I got the cutest Skype call from France. The girls have "borrowed" some guinea pigs for the time they are in France. As they had several back home, theses animals have made a huge emotional impact on the girls. Caleb kept talking about how to "roast" and eat these kind of pets to tease the girls and they were just telling him to "can it". I should include technological things on my list of blessings. Being able to see the Williams while I talk to them is very heartwarming for me. By the way, Sofie says that when she grow up she wants to have two houses and one of them will be in Florida with me. That sounds good to me too.
All for now.

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