Sunday, January 20, 2008

Being Naughty!!

I did something I shouldn't today. I rode on the new roller coaster at Cypress Gardens. It is somewhat like the "Blue Streak" at Cedar Point. It is bigger, but it is an all wooden one which I like better than the metal one. I really liked it. I have been to CG three times this season and I was always listening to the "click, click, click" as the coaster climbed the first hill. Each time I heard it I thought it was calling to me. I drive by the park quite often too and I see the long expanse of the coaster from the road and that was luring me as well. I finally gave in as I was at the park without Mac and had a girlfriend with me who likes white water rafting so I thought that she might be game. We did it, I am not in pain and I wouldn't mind doing it again. My friend (she is 70 years old) nearly lost her $70 leather cowboy hat and her wig too. She caught them as they were about to fly off.

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