Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas in West Palm

We spent Christmas Day at Joann and Sid's house. She had a great meal for us and rented tables and chairs so that we (20 odd) of us could all sit down at one long table to eat. She really went all out.
Cathy and all of her siblings were there and we took a lot of photos. Unfortunately mine weren't of a very good quality.
We stayed for three nights at John's house with his brother Gene and wife Linell. We had a lot of fun. There were 8 big dogs there. Two of these 80 plus animals thought that they were lap dogs and we got a whole lot of dog love. That did not fill our need for a dog. It just reminded us of what we were missing.
Mac is always complaining that he gets left out when the Nielsens get together. It was good for me to be on his side of that for a change. I wasn't ignored but he got a whole lot of attention from the whole family. I needed to see this scene from his side for a change. Also, a lot of people have mentioned that I might as well not be in the house at all if my grandkids are around as that is all I have attention for. Well Jo was really taken up with her two cuties--Conner and Cody. I could see myself in her hostess and grandmother behavior.
I missed going to some kind of church service. I love the carols and rites at Christmas and never got to experience them this year.
The highlight of my day was talking to Sean on the phone. He tries to call at least 3 times a year. He said that Jo is taking drugs now to try to ovulate on a timely basis, and that they had both had their fertility checked. They are going at this conception business full swing. I hope they get their wish in 2008. Sean mentioned that his book sales aren't off the wall and we discussed some publicity stunts that might help the marketing. He said the pope was coming to New York and he was thinking of sneaking in and throwing his book at him to generate some press. I suggested he do the Dali Lama and Tom Cruise as well to try to touch some other religious bases. It was a fun talk.
I loved talking to Karen as well. She was really sick with a bad cold and did not get the job in Atlanta that she had interviewed for. She wondered afterward if she would have, had she not been so sick the day of the interview. Going to Hong Kong and Japan and then going to Atlanta three days after return was too much for her. It would have been too much for anybody.
I also got to talk to Landon at length--the other boys were too busy playing in the basement with Daddy and the toys. Landon was pretty excited about his big new fire truck and his computor. He also can't wait to see our airplane when we fly in to TC in February. We shouldn't have told him that we were coming as he will be waiting for quite a while. He we soo glad that the Christmas Tree was still there even though Santa had come. He is a happy guy!!
I haven't heard from France yet about their Christmas. Maybe I should check their blogs.
Love to all. Grandma Janet

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