Saturday, May 31, 2008

Prostate Problems

When I was in Ann Arbor, I think that I had a lot on my mind and wasn't good enough at bridge either Wed night or Thurs afternoon, but I enjoyed playing anyway. I will be going down again before August to make up for the rest of this weekend. I left for AA without my phone charger and without any of my prescription medicines. I guess that I am a little upset by what is going on with Mac and he is totally off the wall. ( He is right now glued to the TV watching the democratic national committtee trying to decide whether to count Michigan and Florida votes and it is keeping his mind off of his problem and that is good.)
He talked last night with a guy who really had prostate cancer and had it removed. Mac got the feeling that this is not a death sentence but he is still hightly anxious about it all. This morning I got up before him and left for the gym (I do this every sat. a.m. and told him about it yesterday and we had words about it as the gym is 10 mi away and gas is so expensive, now. He thinks I should just do yoga at home. ) Anyway when he woke up after I was gone, he couldn't figure out where I could have gone. You can see that his mind isn't very clear right now.
----- Original Message -----

Friday, May 30, 2008

Trip to Ann Arbor

I planned to be in AA from Wed til Sun. I came back on Thurs because Mac was frantic. The ultra sound looked great but they want to do a follow up biopsy because it is ENLARGED. {Basically he is 76 and 76% of men his age have prostate cancer. Most of them die with it--not because of it. They don't treat it, it doesn't do anything to them and they die of something else first. (Dad had it there at the very end)} All they had to do was call mac and try to schedule a biopsy and he freaked out. He spent the rest of the day trying to contact me, but I was playing bridge and my phone was down in batteries so I had it turned off. I finally called him when I was free by using Gargi's phone and found out about the biopsy. He was crying on the phone and I left AA and came home. It is hard for me to be having fun with my playmates while he is so miserable.
I did get to do some shopping and see Allan, Gargi and Karen. I will go back and see all the rest of my friends when the dust settles up here. The biopsy is for next Friday (june 6th).

Saturday, May 17, 2008

A Few of My Favorite Things

I had to push myself, but I got up and out of the house early to go to 8:30 am Yoga class, followed by 23 minutes of swimming laps. I went to Meijer, as usual, and then went home for lunch, all prepared to roast up some veggies tomorrow when it is supposed to be cold and rainy. I'll be roasting asparagus, 3 colors of peppers, garlic, vidalia, onions, red skin potatoes and broccoli. We already have the portabella mushrooms sauteed to add to the veggie mix.
I spent the afternoon alternating between bidding on ebay for Sofie's current favorite toy and doing gardening. I planted half a flat of wave petunias and 1/2 a flat of impatiens, plus the primroses. I managed to win one of the auction I was working on.
When the mail came, my new "memory stick" arrived. I can't believe how cheap it was, and it fits my camera perfectly and will hold 4 times the amount of photos as my old one.
I walked Rascal for a mile and put him through his paces. He is getting better and better at the "come" command and can go very far in the heel position as well. He isn't good at "sitting" or "down", but once in either position he will stay for quite a while.
Except for the Red Wings losing, everything was great. The weather was wonderful and we were spending a lot of time on the porch looking at our brand new picnic table and umbrella. They are going to be very useful this summer.
After the game, Barry helped Mac put our boat in the water. It was just then that it started to rain like crazy and the wind came up and a very dark cloud blew in out of somewhere. Luckily the boat now has a powerful new engine, so Mac could scurry over the lake and bring it into the dock. After that it rained on and off for a while.
I made a great 8 layer salad for dinner and we had brats, but we didn't grill them or eat on the new table as it was too cold.
We waited for Barry and Nancy get done with their errands and then they came over for dessert. I made an experimental dessert that we all loved. You grill pineapple slices and add a scoop of coconut sorbet. Top that off with caramel mixed with rum. They are called Pina Coladas and they are great. That won't be the first time that I make that recipe this summer either.
We all got our winter parkas on and went for the first boat ride of the summer with both dogs, under an almost full moon.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Grateful for my Blessings Today

I have had a wonderful day. To start with, this morning I found out that I had won a new memory stick for my camera on an ebay auction. It supposedly holds 1GB and I got it for $2.99.(I love the Muu Muu that I got on ebay for Sean's upcoming Luau 4oth bash.) Then I took the dog out to pee without a leash and he went out and did his thing and came right back in when I called him. (He is getting used to us and our routines and soon we can just let him out and back in and not have to venture out ourselves.) Then I went to the gym for an hour of water aerobics plus an hour of Yoga, followed by shopping at Walgreens, Meijer, Walmart (to get Mac's glasses adjusted) and best of all the Two Season's greenhouse.
I bought the wave petunias, impatiens and alyssum that I buy each year, but I also bought a nice lavender plant and two primroses. I am going to try growing the lavender in a pot near the beach as it needs a lot of sun and I have mostly shade. The primroses are for Anja (I don't know if they are still her favorite flower or not.?) I used to have some but they have disappeared so I thought I would try again. Maybe they will be in bloom when she gets here next month.
My last errand in town was to go to the lung doctor for a check up. I haven't changed much in four years now and that is good news. My blood oxygen level was 94% this year and 95% then. They said, just call if you are in trouble, no more regular two year visits. (I weighed 5 lbs more than two years ago, but I am working on that.)
I have already dropped about 4 lbs since getting back from Florida. One of the things I have realized just lately is that the down side of not ever getting new knees is that I have to get serious about keeping these two out of pain. Losing weight is one way to help that along. I almost wanted new knees so that I wouldn't have to lose the weight--Isn't that sicko?--prefering a drastic operation like that, to controlling my food intake. (Rascal's dog obedience training accounts for some of the weight loss as I have recently added in a mile each day to work on his homework lessons.)
At the doctors office, I really had to add a lot of things to the list of pills I take. The additions were Melatonin, Chromium Picolanate, Magnesium, Alfalfa, Calcium with D, L-Lysene, Acidopholous and then I am now on Estrogen and off of the Fem Ring. I can't get anything else done as I have to take pills all day long.
Mac and I are having a good time this week trying to copy Landon's fart cuteness. He kept saying excitedly, "I farted!" each time it occurred. I kept replying that he should say "Excuse me." and he picked it right up. He changed it to "I farted!! Excuse me?" Of course I am almost where I want him to be. He is such a character!
Well this is the night for Grey's Anatomy so I have a nice way to finish a great day.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Brady's Birthday Weekend

The fact that Brady's Birthday always falls near Mother's Day makes a bit of a conflict for him. He can't complain this year, however, because he had a terrific weekend celebration. Thursday, the day of his birthday, he got to go on a field trip at school ( his Mom was along too) and then aferward he met all of his friends at a local park for a "presents-optional" frolic with cupcakes and juice. He received some great gifts (a rocket, a skate board and 4 webkins) from his friends and it was a very nice party. He had to hurry home because there was dinner and then soccer. The soccer game was followed by more gifts at home from his parents and us and then Ethan spent the night with him.
Friday Ethan was there all morning and then they went to afternoon Kindergarten together. After school, Sherry hired a sitter for Owen. The three older boys, Mac and me, and Eddie and Sherry spent the evening together. We went out for dinner in downtown Traverse City and then we did an indoor putt putt course. Eddie, Brady and Landon, each had a "hole-in-one" and Sherry and I tried our best. Evan is still figuring out who won.
Saturday was special too because Brady and Eddie had a father-son golf outing in the morning. They were using the new set of golf clubs that Brady got from his parents for his birthday. That afternoon Brady fell asleep and slept until 11:00 p.m. He was just tuckered out. We fed him some oatmeal at 11 and then he just went back to sleep.

Mother's Day Gifts

Here are pictures of some of my Mother's Day Gifts. I was nice to myself a little earlier and bought Mac and me lovely chairs to "shade" bathe in. I thought that was both a nice Mother's day gift for me and a Father's day gift for him. Mac didn't think that was enough so he brought me a nice pot of shrub roses that I can plant outside when the danger of frost has past. It was a very thoughtful gift on his part.
Anja sent me a book to read "Fire and Hemlock" and a lovely postcard from a museum. I read the book and loved it. In this book the main character "Polly" describes herself as a "hero in training". When I was coming home from two hours at the gym yesterday I realized that I am a "grandmother in training". I have to work-out to get strength and energy to keep up with the grandkids. Just picking up Owen is a load and he always wants to be cuddled and held (I love it.)
The book is by Diana Wynne Jones and Anja has read a bunch of these books and I've ordered her one at to have waiting for her when she returns. It is nice that she is finding books to take the place of the Harry Potter series that has ended. How many times can she reread one of those??
Sherry and Eddie and the kids gave me a sack of gifts. Scrapbooking things, a picture frame with a sailboat, some ginger cream and a nautical candle. I also got a card hand drawn by Owen. I helped him draw on it for me. He loves to work with markers, but you have to keep them out of his mouth still.
Sean called and told me that he had just hung the porch swing for me, so that now I can come and visit and sit in it and enjoy his view of the river. I am coming out in July for his party so that will be very nice.
Shannon called from Prague and had to go to a wi-fi cafe and call from outside on the lawn as it was too noisy in the cafe to talk. She and her family will be coming back soon.
All and all it was a great bunch of gifts and a nice day.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Monday Morning

It is 7:30 a.m. and I have been up for an hour and a half. I am waiting now for Mac to finish cooking a nice breakfast for me: sausage, red potatoes, eggs, toast and tea. I have a nice life. I have been working on the diagramless crossword puzzles that Jeanne Foster sends me from Florida. I love them. They are my favorite kind of puzzle and so hard to find.

I also played ball for quite a while with our new dog Rascal after walking him around in the yard a bit. We haven't let him off leash yet so I haven't gotten to play ball outside with him yet but I am really looking forward to it. Being part cocker, he is a great retreiver. Being part Shelty he is a bit too loud for Florida where we live on top of people. I hope we can quiet his warning barks a little.

Yesterday I found out that I can fly a lot cheaper now that I am a senior citizen(65). I was looking up prices for flights to New York in July for Sean's 40th birthday bash. I looked up adult prices first, forgetting that I had a birthday, and then it came to me to check out whether I qualified for senior fares and I did!!! I am still glowing. This is the best senior discount yet and I really need it. Being retired gives me all kinds of time to buy things and go places and not enough money for all the things I want to do. Also--not being an adult any more gives me all kinds of freedom to act any way I want--not that I needed anyone's permission.

I was on the deck around 7:00 last night (Our favorite time of the week when all of the weekenders have left for home and their jet skis are quieted.) and saw the first sailboat of the year. I think the water is still too cold for me to try sailing but maybe I'll give it a go in my wet suit next week.

We are spending this weekend (starting Thursday) in Kingsley. Brady's birthday is Thursday and then Mother's Day is Sunday. We are going up in two cars and leaving the camper there as we are going up again for Brady's Grandparent day in Kindergarten two weeks from now. We will probably be babysitting here for the Memorial day weekend as Eddie and Sherry want to do some more house hunting in Wisconsin. The last weekend of May, I will be in Ann Arbor playing a lot of bridge and catching up with my girlfriends down there. Roz might even have a party Friday night. This is going to be a busy summer.