Monday, October 22, 2007


I am absolutely amazed that I can talk to my family in France using the computor and that I can see them too. It seems too good to be true. I have been flabergasted by this.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Mary's Visit and Sisters Week Together

Here are the four of us. We are in a nice Italian restaurant on Columbus Street in San Francisco.
We are at the end of our week long sisters vacation together.
We had a great time. We hiked in the Redwoods, and had lunch at a gourmet restaurant in Capitola (sitting on the terrace overlooking the Pacific). We swam almost every day and shopped a bunch at both upscale stores and outlet malls. We visited Bjorn and Laura and became mesmerized by the skills of Andrew who will be 2 today. He could count and do the alphabet and recognize letters and do complicated puzzles. He was amazing. We had dinner with Peter and Tom. Peter works for Google and is a self described "Multithousandair" because his start up company was acquired by Google. Peter looked great!!
Even before we got to California we were touching bases here in Michigan. Mary came in on a Saturday and Monday Karen brought her to Lansing where I picked her up. We had dinner in Lansing at Bravo with Becky, Scott and their two kids. Tuesday Mary and I met Amy at the Blue Water Grill and she had her two with her. Wednesday night Mary, Mac and I entertained Uncle Dick and enjoyed a fire side view of the full Harvest Moon. Thursday we had lunch with an old H.S. friend and spent the evening roasting veggies and watching Grey's Anatomy. Friday Karen came up and we went to Uncle Al's, where we joined almost all of Dad's sisters and brothers and had a great time at a potluck. Sat. we visited Eddie and his boys and then went to Carin and James' house for the rest of the birthday party that she was throwing the twins. Sunday Karen, Mary and I went to Birch Run and checked in at Splash Village. We shopped on Monday and did the water park returning in the evening to Ann Arbor so that we could pack and be ready on Tues. a.m. for the flight to California.
The highlights of our sisters time together were the great big belly laughs. We were on an extended sleep over. We were doing all kinds of silly and fun things. Mary brought a "Most Popular Sister" T-shirt from England. We took turns wearing it to breakfast in the hotel.
We played games and did puzzles together. We found so many things to laugh about. That is what I remember lovingly right now. We are so close and it is so wonderful.
I got back from this trip on Oct. 8th and was able to swim in Bass Lake. I did again on the 9th but it is over for the season now. It dropped about 40 degrees overnight.